Executive Summary:
Pinterest is set up as a multi-sided platform business
model. On one side, Pinterest provides consumers
the opportunity to find interesting images online, store and categorize them.
Users can see what posts and other information is listed in a particular
category. This creates a community around different interest topics and is free
for users to enjoy.
The other side of the platform is targeted to advertising
and retail markets. The value
proposition for these customers is access to aggregate affinity data. Since the content is user generated, there is
significant value to advertisers in how consumers think about the products and
categorize them. Also, through this
forum retailers are able to access a hard to reach market.
Pinterest has a few different ways of how to generate
revenue. After the number of users reaches a critical mass, the sale of affinity
data will become the number one revenue stream. Today, the company is still
building up the user base and figuring out how to analyze the data so that it would
be valuable to retailers and advertisers. Other revenue streams include referral
traffic & click through advertisement, and paid for advertisement. Pinterest
has a user base of about 55 Million people and makes about $0.93 per visitor to
the site.
The cost structure for Pinterest is relatively inexpensive.
The distribution channel is through the internet and the primary costs are
surrounding the computing and development. The key activities for Pinterest to continue to
grow will include gaining expertise in big data analytics and developing key
partnerships. More than half of the Pinterest users access the site through a
mobile platform so developing strong relationships with mobile partners,
software and hosting companies will be important to their success. Pinterest is
a great company and is well positioned for success.
- Brave, Scott. "Pinterest, We've Got a Business Model for You." Gigaom. Baynote, 24 Mar. 2012. Web. 20 Aug. 2014. <http://gigaom.com/2012/03/24/pinterest-weve-got-a-business-model-for-you/>.
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